Fiberglass Septic Tanks: Septic tank is the simplest and the most common unit in sewage treatment specially Human- Health Sewage. Septic tank is a reservoir in which coarse particles deposited and accumulated at the bottom of tank .Floating oil and grease are accumulated on the surface of tank. Bacteria and microorganism existed in sludge accumulated at the bottom of septic tank decompose some part of contaminant and treat the wastewater under anaerobic conditions. Fiberglass septic tank are available with capabilities between 2 and 50 cubic meter and in horizontal cylinder and cubic form. The most important advantages of Septic Tanks are as follows : – Ready system – High strength of wall and possibility to bury them. – Facility and speed of installation due to lightweight – Ability of making them in arbitrary dimensions – Protecting water and soil in nature – Non- corrosion internally and externally – Completely sealing and delivering to costumer after testing carefully. – Having a healthy environment – No failure in disasters ( such as earthquake ,….) – Anti UV Coating ( Anti Sun ray )