Due to the production of integrated composite cubic reservoirs manually , the operation is not done completely , so the presence of styrene monomer in the reservoir body and due to the toxicity of these materials will lead to water contamination.
In GRP-SMC modular cubic tanks, the post-curing operation takes place due to the fact that wall panels of the reservoir is carried out at a temperature of 140-150 ° C.
The production and installation time and sealing of the modular cubic tanks of the GRP-SMC Nano composite is less than the production of integrated cube tanks.
-GRP-SMC's modular cubic Nano composite can move, increase, and reduce post-installation volume when integrated cubic tanks are difficult to move due to high volume and there is no possibility of increasing or decreasing volume.
-There is a possibility of rusting in the integrated cube tanks due to the use of welded iron in the production of the reservoir, and because of the replacement of this type of composite reservoir with a metal tank, the rusting of the steel stopcock is a disadvantage.
-GRP-SMC Modular Cubic Resin Nano composite Tanks are approved for drinking water.
-The weaknesses of the modular cubic tanks of the GRP-SMC Nano composite are traceable, so repairing and eliminating the fault of the tank can be done easily and quickly.