Today, demands of composite products have increased greatly.
In most industries the need for composite products can be seen today.
Limitations on material preservation, material type, location and etc. cause those needs.
For example, it is not possible to hold acids in metal tanks, but the composite tanks can store acids.
All composite products benefit from common characteristics.
Features such as:
1. Electricity Conductor
2. Anti-UV
3. Cost-Effective and economical
4. Resistant to high pressures and heavy weights
One of the most popular composite products, is composite Septic Tanks.
Application of these tanks is the light treatment of liquids and sewage.
Septic tanks are comprised of two main parts.
The first part is responsible for separation of fats and particulate matter in the inlet fluid to the reservoir.
The second part also separates the heavier particles and liquid settling and drains the liquid through the port, then sheds the fats and the heavy material into the well embedded outside the tank.
Some places like factories, confectionery, restaurants and etc. are not treated with untreated wastewater.
The most important problem for mentioned locations is early eclipse of the wells and their atmosphere.
Composite septic tank is one of the most important and widely used products to prevent Wells ' cramps.
For this purpose, it can be refined waste water to coarse particles and fats, and not cause clogging of pipes and wells.
From projects done in the field of septic tanks by Matin Technical Design Co, we can refer to the Dokuhak septic tank project of Shiraz city.
The project is as follows:
This tank was produced at a volume of 30 cubic meters for sewage treatment in 2010.